I myself, when I was 4 years old, I was recognised by His Holiness Dalai Lama, Kundun, I was recognised as a reincarnation of the previous Kalu Rinpoche. So I […]... read more →
“ Any positive merits I dedicate to the prosperity of the Buddha Dharma, to the longevity of all the great masters, to the harmony and wisdom and truthfulness of the worldwide sanghas, and to the liberation of all the sentient beings from the illusion of samsara. ”... read more →
So as you are in this meditation posture, right now, as we are breathing, keep your mouth closed, eyes little bit, not towards the wall, not too straight, but slightly […]... read more →
Good evening and good morning to all our international participants and thank you very much for inviting me over here. So I will start with a few minutes of meditation, […]... read more →
Just to conclude is that you are receiving a Six-Armed Mahakala empowerment today and then because we will say “our samaya this, samaya that” and then just make sure that your heart is in the Dharma and then that’s the most important, that is your samaya.... read more →
Buddhist point left finger. That’s why we called ནང་པ་ “Nangpa”, “Nangpa” means “looking inwardly” and then we are not looking outwardly, we are looking inwardly. That’s the definition of being a Buddhist practitioner.... read more →
Then also, to attach to this story, in the Vajrayana world we say “Oh you criticise, you said this, you said that and then now you have broken your samaya”. […]... read more →
Bhutan Monlam led by Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoche head of the Palden Shangpa Kagyu MA NAM KHA DANG NYAM PA’I SEM CHEN THAM CHED I and all my mother sentient […]... read more →
Brought from France through the efforts of His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche and the Zhung Dratshang, the relic was displayed in Eastern Bhutan before arriving in Thimphu. It is currently on display at Kuenselphodrang from November 20 to 22. ... read more →
So therefore, whatever you are in life, whoever the great master you have met, always maintain your foundation, the core foundation, the Bodhicitta, compassion and dedication to all the sentient beings. That root and awareness of your own mind, awareness of your own emotion that always have to be held together.... read more →