Kagyu Thegchen Ling Welcomes the return of H.E. Kalu Rinpoché
In Honolulu November 2- 4, 2018
H.E. Kalu Rinpoché returns to KTL in Honolulu seven years after his inaugural North American teaching tour in 2011 as head of the Shangpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Yangsi Kalu Rinpoche is the reincarnation of Kyabjé Dorje Chang Kalu Rinpoché (1905 – 1989), revered meditation master who brought the profound Vajrayana teachings of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage to the West over 40 years ago and founded Kagyu Thegchen Ling in Honolulu, in 1974.
With an open and engaging style, Kalu Rinpoché, at age 28, is a modern meditation master connecting a new generation to the timeless dharma, bringing it fully into the 21st century.
“In order to realize the truth, you have to be fearless”
Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche July 2018
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