Good morning to all of you.
So we will start with the prayer, with the mandala and then we start with Amitabha teaching.
sang gyé chö dang tsok kyi chok nam la
jang chup bar du dak ni kyap su chi
dak gi jin sok gyi pé sö nam kyi
dro la pen chir sang gyé drup bar shok
I take refuge in the buddha, Dharma, and Supreme Assembly
Until the attainment of enlightenment.
Through the merit of practicing generosity and so forth,
May Buddhahood be accomplished for the benefit of beings.
sem chen tam ché dewa dang dewé gyu dang den par gyur chik
duk ngel dang duk ngel gyi gyu dang drelwar gyur chik
duk ngel mé pé dewa dam pa dang mi drelwar gyur chik
nyé ring chak dang dang drelwé tang nyom chen po la né par gyur chik
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.
May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May they be inseparable from true happiness devoid of and suffering.
May they realize great equanimity, without attachment to loved ones and
aversion to others.
chak tselwa dang chö ching shak pa dang
jé su yi rang kül zhing sölwa yi
gewa chung zé dak gi chi sak pa
tam ché dak gi jang chup chir ngo
Through homage, making offerings, confession,
rejoicing, exhorting, and supplicating,
whatever small virtue I have amassed,
I delicate it all to supreme enlightenment.
sa zhi pö chü juk shing mé tok tram
ri rap ling zhi nyi dé gyen pa di
sang gyé zhing du mik té pülwa yi
dro gün nam dak zhing la chö par shok
The ground is anointed with fragrant waters and streun with flowers,
adorned with Sumeru, the four continents, the sun, and the moon.
Through my imagining this as a buddha realm and offering it,
may all beings enjoy and completely pure realm.
penden tsawé la ma rin po ché
dak gi ji bor pemé den zhuk la
ka drin chen pö go né jé zung té
ku sung tuk kyi ngö drup tsel du söl
Glorious and precious root guru
who sits on a lotus-moon seat on the crown of my head,
Through your great kindness, having taken me as a disciple,
Grant me the accomplishment of the body, speech and mind of the Buddhas.
So, first of all, very happy to have you all here and thank you very much for coming, in this terrible weather.
So, the main purpose that I come here is to start the new 3-Year retreat and then along with it, doing this some sort of a Amitabha program, along with it. So, the last, in last few weeks ago, Wangchen Rinpoche, His Eminence Wangchen Rinpoche was here, as you know all the history of Wangchen Rinpoche as he spent so long time with you and gave all the Shangpa transmission, empowerment, that is needed for the retreat. And I am very glad that all of you have, you know, have spent so much time to receive teachings and to receive empowerment and I admire your dedication.
Okay, so today is going to be the teachings about the, about the Amitabha practice and then tomorrow is going to be the empowerment.
So, for some of you who are going to practice for the first time in your life or, maybe, Amitabha is just going to be another Deity practice for you, regardless of your spiritual progress or the, where you are in this very moment, it is very important to follow-up with some form of foundation in your mind.
And that is, the foundation is, you know, Bodhisattva vow, and that is very important to uphold, at least attempt to uphold, you know, even you cannot perfectly uphold every time, 24/7, for the rest of your life, at least, you know, making an acknowledgment when you make an error and then recognition when you make a progress. You know? That sort of a watchful attitude is very much needed. You know? Not just making the Bodhisattva vow as a symbolic, that when you enter the temple you take a vow and then after you forget about everything. Not to that extent.
Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche – Paldenshangpa La Boulaye France
Saturday 12 November 2022
To be continued …
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