Q: How to recognize the distraction when we are reciting mantras?
A: (Part 4) Studying Your Emotion
Nowadays we speak a lot about how can I solve my anger? How can I solve my emotion? How can I solve my loneliness? How can I solve my sadness? How can I solve my desperation? How can I solve my extreme disappointment?
We have all this kind of different categories of sadness or grasping towards of wanting to overcome. But we are jumping into the emotion right away. We are not trying to study our emotion. And then we also say that ‘I don’t have time to do practice.’ That is also fine. If you don’t have time to do practice, that is fine. But studying in your emotion is a non-religious practice. It is a scientific study, but with your positive mindset, understanding and seeing the projection of thoughts. How it is arising from? Where does it appear from? Where does it dissolve to? And what is the influence to the nature of the current state of mind? And what is the projection of thoughts itself? Is it separation from the state of mind or is it together?
With love and respect from Kalu Rinpoche
Facebook Live Q&A
26th. Jan. 2020
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