Sep 05

Kalu Rinpoche | Illusory Body and Mind – clarity of the renunciation

So now with the very clear understanding that when you do practice you do it very sincerely, 100%, and then being able to recognise the subtle distraction, ordinary distraction. Because you can’t hold two things at the same time. Pretending to be, that you have completely renounced and you have not. Then, when you are actually practicing Dharma, your mind is completely distracted because you spend all that time and energy to pretend to be something that you are not. That is what I was trying to say earlier.

So if you maintain recognition of the subtle distraction and ordinary distraction and then naturally over the time you have immense sense of renunciation attitude, immense, immense, immense and so on.

Then you have a great renunciation by itself, all by itself. So you don’t have to pretend that you are somehow a renounced figure and individual and so on.

Just by maintaining the awareness of the mind and do little bit of practice with the full dedication and then due to that dedication and the renunciation, the clarity of the renunciation, not just a thought in your mind, that will come to your heart.

When I say renunciation, I do not mean the Dharmachakra, not the, how do I say སྲི་པའི་འཁོར་ལོ།Sipai Khorlo [Wheel of Life], the samsaric world. I don’t mean that you abandon everything or renounce everything but at least the first signs are that your anger is absolutely useless, is completely waste of energy, is completely forced existence. That is a renunciation.

Such as this very moment that I have a great jealousy, this is truly jealousy, I am in denial that I have a jealousy and that jealousy is such a waste of time, you know? That sort of acknowledgment and recognition and dissolving and so on.


Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche – Illusory Body and Mind
Morning session – August 11, 2024 (41’ 20’’)
Paldenshangpa La Boulaye

To be continued …