You look at His Holiness Dalai Lama, you look at his face, he is always smiling.
He has gone through a very difficult time, from his teenage life and facing all the different political challenges and yet people ask him “how to be happy?” It is because he developed the inner happiness, the inner joy, because he is a Dharma practitioner, he follows the teaching of the Buddhadharma [teaching of the Buddhas]. It was not by accident, you know?
He has seen the division of the religion throughout his lifetime and yet he speaks about the interfaith teachings as an example and so on. Actually working on it, not just like a sweet talk.
So that’s that.
Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche – Illusory Body and Mind
Morning session – August 11, 2024 (49’ 51’’)
Paldenshangpa La Boulaye
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