Sep 12

Kalu Rinpoche | Illusory Body and Mind – Relying on the Friendship of a Holy Guru


So it says now, it starts with the first 2 topics: (1) “moge lamé nam kyér[Integrating Devotion to the Guru] (2) “chi nam deme lame kyer nyi so[Integrating the Unreal Nature of Whatever Appears]:

(1) “moge lame nam kyér” means “the one you take along with you”. So Guru Yoga that you take along with your spiritual journey.
(2) And then “chi nam deme” means “all the appearance of things in the very nature of all that, nothing truly exist”. That sort of a mindset, carrying along with the spiritual journey as well.

Okay, so and then also when it comes to “Illusory body and mind” there is a few categories as well. There are those who are (1) very advanced and those who are (2) average and those who are (3) basic. Like basic, as a beginner practitioner and so on, doesn’t mean that you are less important.

So the first one is that there is not much to visualise. And the 2nd and the 3rd, the visualisation becomes more detailed, more vast and so on.


And then the one that accelerates your “Illusory body and mind” practice really comes down to your Guru Yoga.

I think you have to understand the meaning of Guru Yoga little bit and it has 2 interpretations.

One is very much like worshiping the Guru and so on and so forth. Like an example, saying “whatever the Guru does is good, whatever he says is good, anything of all the appearance of things should be the reflection of the Guru, anything you do should be dedicated to the Guru” and so on. That’s why it is important for all of us not to have blind faith so easily. To have a little bit of understanding, preparation ahead of time as much as possible.

You see, and then now my own interpretation of the Guru Yoga is that, such an individual when they have this understanding of that “all the appearance of things is a reflection of the Guru, everything they hear, everything they think, anything they do is activity for the Guru and dedicated to Guru and then blessing by Guru” and so on and so forth. Like when we listen to the majority of the interpretations of the Guru Yoga that’s what we hear, isn’t it? So my own interpretation is that all that happens only because you have some form of understanding of the “Illusory body and mind” already. Not because all of a sudden you have “Illusory body and mind”, like “wow”, like a new movie, it’s not like that.


Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche – Illusory Body and Mind
Morning session – August 11, 2024 (1h 02’ 48’’)
Paldenshangpa La Boulaye

To be continued …