So special about the Six-armed Mahakala is that Six-armed Mahakala is the only Protector that can be practiced as a Gura Yoga, that can be practiced as a Deity, that can be practiced as a Protector. Also he is the guardian and the protector after death and a navigator for us to the Pure land of Amitabha.
So the Six-Armed Mahakala has all of it, if one knows how to practice it. So it doesn’t miss out anything whatsoever.

Because all the Deities, like I have explained earlier, the whole purpose of the Deity visualisation is to overcome our illusionary body and mind. So that is the sole purpose of the visualisation of the Deity. And then if your mind has a very strong fixation on the way you visualise a Deity and then it does not serve the purpose regarding the Deity practice.
So therefore the way we practice the Deity has to be with the right mindset and that is understanding the very nature of this appearance, is emptiness, the very nature of it. But if there is appearance of things and then you do not have to come to a conclusion of “this is good or this is bad”. Just see it, all this appearance, especially the appearance of the Deity, in the nature of it, in the absolute truth, in the very nature of it, is emptiness. Yet in the relative truth there is an appearance.
Then there a sense of continuation of clarity with the absence of distraction. Then due to the absence of distraction and due to absolute clarity while you are visualising it, you develop a sense of bliss. Then because you develop sense of bliss and you recognise the blissfulness awareness and then you overcome the fear of losing or fear of losing good or losing bad or any sort of illusionary mind. Therefore you are in this very subtle awareness and that is very much what we need to achieve. Glimpse by glimpse, let’s put it like this, let’s get the taste of it.
Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar – Mahakala Empowerments
Shangpa Kagyu UK and Shangpa Asia
Zoom – 7th September 2024 – 2nd part 14’ 21’’
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