nga khé pa nga zang nyam pé khé tsün dang
[Clerics who think “I am learned, I am fine”,]
“ང་མཁས་པ་ང་བཟང་སྙམ་པའི་མཁས་བཙུན་དང་།” “nga khé pa nga zang nyam pé khé tsün dang” means like “I know everything, I understand everything, I’m good, I’m a great scholar, I’m a great meditator, I’m a pure” you know, all sorts of these kind of a nonsense idea. You know? Just leave it behind.
den dzin zhen chak chewé gom chen pa
dzün gyi zhen go korwé dom bu ba
kha zang ngen sem changwé jang sem pa
[Yogis with great attachment to their fixed realities,
Mendicants who deceive others with lies,
Fine-mouthed bad-minded bodhisattvas,]
So he is saying something very painful stuff, in a nice way obviously. “What is the point of being a great meditator if you still have a lot of attachment?” That’s number one.
dzün gyi zhen go korwé dom bu ba
[Mendicants who deceive others with lies,]
And then some of you have the appearance of the monk or you uphold the image of the purity and yet you manipulate other people. What’s the good outcome from that? There’s no point of doing that. Some people they have very sweet talking, bad intention. That sort of a bodhisattva, that sort of a bodhicitta practitioner, it’s pointless.
kor nak ché tar gam pé la zuk dang
[Lama look-alikes eating black donations like tsampa,]
And then the one who misuse the support of the people, for their own personal gain, and then claim to be a lama, claiming to be this and that, is wrong.
yo gyü tsül chö chen gyi ser mo ba
drup ta chok zhen chen gyi ti muk khen
[Saffron-clothed cheating hypocrites,
Fools who cling to specific schools,]
And then some people they say that “I do retreat” and yet they have a lot of distinction between what is “their’s” and what is “others” and so on.
shé yam tsik la zhen pé tön chen pa
[Big-time teachers attached to pedantics,]
And some people they are really good in talking, especially how they use the words, so to be impressive to other people. And that is also pointless.
chok dzin chak dang chen gyi gön dak sok
[Abbots with sectarian likes and dislikes, and so on —]
The people who call themselves the head of the monastery and yet they have such an aggression to others. What’s the point of being that?
chö la nyé pé dik pa ngam po ché
[This terrible sin of slandering dharma,]
And these are the wrongful action and you must abandon all this things like a poison.
chö la nyé pé dik pa ngam po ché
duk tar pang shing nang mo ré ré zhin
[This terrible sin of slandering dharma,
Throw it out like poison, and every day]
Step by step.
dindré lé mi zungwé dam cha zung
[Pledge yourself not to uphold this kind of karma.]
Never to be pretentious, never to be misuse, never to take advantage of other people and so on. To make a commitment to yourself is important.
da ré denjor zang po top dü dir
[At this time, having attained the free and gifted human life,]
You are very fortunate to be born as a human being. Whatever the good or bad you do, you have in your hand, you are the decision maker of your positivity and your negativity. In this life, it’s like getting a precious stone or like a chintamani stone in your hand. You know?
yi zhin nor bu nyé pé ngo ma yin
ri mé ten pa chiwor tö zhin khur
rang gyü chö la jorwé tön pa dang
jin lap gyü pa den pé la ma lé
min dröl chö kyi dü tsi yang yang zhu
[Whatever virtue or vice you do is in your own hands.
This chance is unmatched even by finding a wish-fulfilling jewel.
Carry the non-sectarian teachings like a crown on your head.
Again and again imbibe the elixir of ripening and liberating dharma
From the teacher who joins your mind-stream to the dharma,
And the guru who possesses the blessings of the lineage.]
It is very important to receive teachings again and again as a nectar to yourself.
chok mé dam mé tok chü zhin lang
[Take up the unbiased instruction like the flower’s nectar.]
And try to receive a genuine instruction from different masters, so that you can have a greater understanding.
nyé lé lop dü sa gya mi korwar
dam ngak né dü chik la lo té né
[When training in the short path, don’t circle around all over the place;
Focus on a single instruction which contains the crucial points,]
So when you are, when you are very close to your final destination, don’t try to visit one hundred places. You understand?
nyé lé lop dü sa gya mi korwar
[When training in the short path, don’t circle around all over the place.]
So therefore, when you have a very precious teaching, have a determination, use it, practice it, and have a determination. Yeah.
khorwa di dang ten jé tup pa zhik
chi kyang nying la chong zhik lop bü tsok
[One that can separate you permanently from this cycle]
And hold it in your heart no matter what.]
And my dear children, you know, try to implement all the Dharma teachings to your heart.
la mé dam ngak sem la ma zhak na
tong sum yi ger dri kyang ngelwé gyu
[Students, if you don’t keep in mind the guru’s instructions,
filling the triple universe with letters will just cause my exhaustion.]
If you don’t uphold the teachings of the genuine instructions, it is exhausting, it is exhausting, even worthless, even you can fill all the space with the letters.
dam ngak rang gi gyü la jarwé na
di kyang dor jé chang gi sa ru kyel
dé den lop bu jang dren sö ga sok
kel den mang pö yang yang külwé ngor
chok mé ja drel rang jung kün khyap dé
nying né pen pé sem kyi rang gyü la
gang jor dam kün ma bé selwar dri
[If you apply these instructions in your being
they will carry you to the state of Vajradhara.
In response to the repeated request of many fortunate ones,
such as the faithful disciple, the chanting master Soga,
I, Rangjung Kunchab, unbiased and free of activity,
with the heart-felt intention to help, disclose clearly
whatever instructions I have integrated.]
And I wrote this instruction teachings based upon some individuals who have requested me again and again. So therefore, I genuinely wrote this without any secrecy holding it back. He called himself a “བྱ་བྲལ” “ja drel” “བྱ་བྲལ” “ja drel” means “beyond duality”. That’s also the, little bit like a statement of their own realization. It’s a little bit like the Lama. The Lama is a very big title. You can go to say, you can go to His Holiness Dalai Lama and say “you are my Lama”. That’s a very high title. Lama means limitless realization or qualities. “བྱ་བྲལ” “ja drel” means “the realization that is beyond duality.” Like a “བྱ་བྲལ” “ja drel” Rinpoche. So “བྱ་བྲལ” “ja drel”.
nying né pen pé sem kyi rang gyü la
gang jor dam kün ma bé selwar dri
gewé dro kün tsé di lö tong té
ö sel chak gya chen pö dön tok shok
[with the heart-felt intention to help, disclose clearly
whatever instructions I have integrated.
By this virtue, may all beings renounce this life
and realize the meaning of clear light mahamudra.]
I dedicate all this positivity to all the sentient beings. And let all the sentient beings liberate to the state of nirvana and then let them recognize, realize the nature of the mind.
ö sel chak gya chen pö dön tok shok
[realize the meaning of clear light mahamudra.]
སརྦ་མངྒ་ལཾ། ཤུ་བྷཾ།
So that’s it.
Spiritual Advice Based on the Kindness of My Genuine Guru in Conjunction With My Own Experience.
Previous Kalu Rinpoche
Niguma’s “Amulet Mahamudra” by Kalu Rinpoche (2nd afternoon session – 2h 07′ 50”)
Kagyu Sukha Chöling – Friday March 11, 2022
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