So just for the clarity, this time, Six-Armed Mahakala (empowerment) has to be the meditative Mahakala empowerment [Barché Kunsel]. And then next time there will be Guru Yoga Six-Armed Mahakala [Lagön Yermé] and Vajrayogini [Khandro Wangdu], Vajrasattva [Dripsel] and so on.
So now, of course I have explained to you a little bit of history yesterday, so that later during the empowerment I don’t have to explain too much, I will explain to you right now.
So basically after you have done your three times prostration to the Buddha and then as you’re being seated your first thought that time should be “I would like to benefit all the sentient beings therefore I have this compassionate thought, I should generate my compassionate thought, Bodhicitta thought, to liberate all the sentient beings”.
Don’t overthink about “how and when and I’m enable and I’m not allowed or I can’t” just stop all that, okay? Just think “I want to benefit all the sentient beings and therefore I am here in this very moment to receive this empowerment and the blessing” right?
So the definition of blessing is your mind maintaining your awareness, that’s the definition of blessing, okay? The blessing doesn’t mean miracle, okay? Just to be clear. Many people they think that “Oh, I come here for empowerment benediction” so they think it is a blessing. It’s not, it is a different interpretation in our understanding from the Buddhist perspective. The more you have awareness the more you have understanding how you should be practicing and then the object that is touching your head is just more or less symbolic.
Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 13, 2024 – Morning session (31′ 45”)
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