Not only that, because there are so many “this deity, this protector, the worldly protector, the worldly god and goddesses and so on, made up by some villages and people in a remote area and then become somehow, become popular”, and so on, right?
It has a lot of origin but not really origin that links to the Buddha. You understand?
So like “Oh my grandfather, this in this valley, we believe this and we believe that” not that kind of a protector. Because if you visit some monasteries in Tibet or in Nepal or in India also they have all this belief “Ah there is a god here, there is a protector here”. There has not so much origin if you look back into the history. So it is very much like belief, like superstitious belief.
The origin of Six-Armed Mahakala comes from the Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings. So that’s that, just so you know that.
So it is not just the origin of the history that we know in terms of the Shangpa Kagyu text but also the origin comes from the Buddha. Because Buddha speaks about all the different Deities, all the different Bodhisattvas, the interactions among the Bodhisattvas and the biography of all the great Bodhisattvas, the origin of the different Bodhisattvas and so on, isn’t it?
So just like that, Buddha spoke about Six-Armed Mahakala, the origin of Six-Armed Mahakala and so on. So that’s the authentic, it cannot go beyond authentic than that. So if you are not satisfied with that, I don’t know. [haha] Then you can make a review “I’m not satisfied with the explanations.” [haha] It’s up to you.
It is similar to, like you know, when we read the Sherab Nyingpo [ཤེས་རབ་སྙིང་པོ། ། Heart Sūtra], like we can hear the interaction, Sharipu, and then we can hear the interaction with Avalokiteshvara and then the Buddha, three [Buddha, Avalokiteshvara, Shariputra] having a conversation. So all these explanation of Six-Armed Mahakala origin is similar category to that. You understand? So it’s not like “I had a dream and then it’s what I feel” it’s not like that.
Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 13, 2024 – Morning session (54′ 20”)
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