If you really want to read all of it, of Six-Armed Mahakala, then there is a special volume that is written by Khedrup Je. Khedrup Je is a student of Je Tsongkhapa and the first Panchen Lama. So he had this clairvoyant experience with Six-Armed Mahakala and many of the texts are actually based on the old text origin. He just put many things together and some of the texts he wrote by himself and so on. It’s a one whole volume. So you can do the research by yourself, you can read it by yourself and you can find a lot of things and so on.
Many of the empowerment that we do is based on that text. And many of the empowerment that His Holiness (Dalai Lama) does, the way he does it, is also from that text, so the practice manual. So it’s not something secret or exclusive, it’s something you can read.
But don’t be shocked by it because there are so many different kind, way of practicing. Don’t be shocked but just read for your own knowledge. I read it a few times and I love it.
Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 13, 2024 – Morning session (1h 01′ 29”)
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