So those who have recorded the yesterday morning session, afternoon session, please share with the individuals during the lunch time, who have just arrived today, so there get a little bit more clarity of what we are getting in, what we are getting into and so on. During the lunch time.
So in this session we are going to do it as a, based on the text, so out of respect to the Dharma we have to start the refuge, prayers and the mandala (offering) and so on. Then we will start as a session. Yesterday was informal, getting to know each other, general instruction, let’s put it like this.
So but before we start as a session I have a question to all of you “What was the first 3 things of Six-Armed Mahakala from yesterday, remember?” Without looking into your note. [haha] If you look into note everybody can do it. Because you looked at me yesterday as if that you have the wisdom of Manjushri, you know? [haha] Like “Ah no recording is necessary, no note is necessary, everything is here”.
Now show me that you have it here!
[exchange with the participants to review the teaching of the previous day]
Thank you so much for your wisdom. [haha] You memorized all of it. [haha]
Okay, so now with this great joy of each other understanding and appreciation towards this teaching, let’s make a refuge, mandala offering requesting to the teaching and so on.
sang gyé chö dang tsok kyi chok nam la
I take refuge in the buddha, Dharma, and Supreme Assembly
jang chup bar du dak ni kyap su chi
Until the attainment of enlightenment.
dak gi jin sok gyi pé sö nam kyi
Through the merit of practicing generosity and so forth,
dro la pen chir sang gyé drup bar shok
May Buddhahood be accomplished for the benefit of beings.

sem chen tam ché dewa dang dewé gyu dang den par gyur chik
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.
duk ngel dang duk ngel gyi gyu dang drelwar gyur chik
May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
duk ngel mé pé dewa dam pa dang mi drelwar gyur chik
May they be inseparable from true happiness devoid of and suffering.
nyé ring chak dang dang drelwé tang nyom chen po la né par gyur chik
May they realise great equanimity, without attachment to loved ones and aversion to others.
chak tselwa dang chö ching shak pa dang
Through homage, making offerings, confession,
jé su yi rang kül zhing sölwa yi
rejoicing, exhorting, and supplicating,
gewa chung zé dak gi chi sak pa
whatever small virtue I have amassed,
tam ché dak gi jang chup chir ngo
I dedicate it all to supreme enlightenment.
sa zhi pö chü juk shing mé tok tram
The ground is anointed with fragrant waters and strewn with flowers,
ri rap ling zhi nyi dé gyen pa di
adorned with Sumeru, the four continents, the sun, and the moon.
sang gyé zhing du mik té pülwa yi
Through my imagining this as a buddha realm and offering it,
dro kün nam dak zhing la chö par shok
may all beings enjoy and completely pure realm.
palden tsawé lama rinpoché
Glorious and precious root guru
dak gi chi wor pemé den zhuk la
who sits on a lotus-moon seat on the crown of my head,
ka drin chen pö go né jé zung té
Through your great kindness, having taken me as a disciple,
ku sung tuk kyi ngö drup tsal du söl
Grant me the accomplishment of the body, speech and mind of the Buddhas.
Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 13, 2024 – Morning session (13′ 14”)
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