Sep 01

Kalu Rinpoche | Vajradhara Ling 2024 – Barché Kunsel

Q: Is this the same empowerment that the Dalai Lama gave (in May 2024 in Dharamsala)?

A: No, the empowerment that the Dalai Lama gave is the “Four Deities Combined[Tib: Lha Shi Dril Drup].

The “Four Deities Combined” is Green Tara, Avalokiteshvara and then Vajrayogini and Six-Armed Mahakala. So these are the “Four Deities Combined”.

Tomorrow afternoon is Six-Armed Mahakala singular with the Guru Yoga combined [Dispeller of All Obstacles – Barché Kunsel].

And then tomorrow morning session we will do the, let’s say bit like a small demonstration and explanation about of how the empowerment is going to be in afternoon, what are the stages of the empowerment , so that you understand, okay we are the stage 1, stage 2, stage 3. So when I say we are in the phase 1, phase 2 so that you understand everything, where we are, what you are going to visualise and so on.


Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 12, 2024 – Afternoon session (2h 19′ 45” – Q&A2)

To be continued…