Aug 06

Kalu Rinpoche | Vajradhara Ling 2024 – so much compassion

And now I’ve given you a little bit of all these things. So now let me give you a little bit of balanced background history. To relax your brain a little bit.

So the story goes like this. Basically Avalokiteshvara has so much compassion that he promised to Amitabha that he wants to benefit and liberate all the sentient beings. And then he continued his Dharma activity and later on he came to a conclusion it’s almost impossible to liberate all sentient beings, instead they suffer even more, over time, of negativity accumulation. And due to that, Avalokiteshvara was blessed by Amitabha to transform into Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara and then he manifested Six-Armed Mahakala at that stage.

And then of course the lineage of Six-armed Mahakala that existed, and invited and existed by Nagarjuna, Saraha and Nagarjuna. But then again that lineage, kind of, disappeared over time, it lasted for a very short time. The only lineage that existed is the Shavaripa lineage.

Six-armed Mahakala is throughout the history, is very much there, for those who practice Dharma genuinely and those who practice Six-Armed Mahakala. Very much present.

Like all the great masters in the past, 900 years ago and 600 years ago and including previous Kalu Rinpoche, they had this interaction and then also fulfilling their wishes and so on.


Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 12, 2024 – Afternoon session (1h 40′ 30” – Avalokiteshvara)

To be continued …