Since I was young age, I’m not a good practitioner, I’m a lazy practitioner, very, very lazy, the champion of laziness [haha]. The champion of the laziness. But I have a very special connection to the Six-armed Mahakala, since I was a very young age.
There are many stories but I will tell you one story.
I’m not trying to make you feel “Oh, be devoted to me”, I’m not trying to make you feel that way. What I’m trying to say is that if you practice you can build that connection by yourself with the Six-Armed Mahakala over time, not instantly, over time. That’s the point, okay? I’m not here to say “Hey, I have this special, this, that, and woo off the ground”, that is not the purpose. The main purpose is that if you practice genuinely, sincerely and then you can have equal connection by yourself.
Bodhicitta is very important, without bodhicitta everything is meaningless, bodhicitta is very important.
I had this connection with Six-Armed Mahakala here and there, time to time, here and there.
There was one time in France, in Burgandy [Bourgogne], it is not in Tibet, it is in France, okay? So, like an example, because I always had this, some auspicious sign, unique sign, from Six-Armed-Mahakala here and there. And there was one time, it was I think during the 2nd year of the COVID time and I had a little bit of gap and then I was doing the Niguma Yoga, teaching and practice with people and so on.
So I was sitting on the throne and then people doing their meditation and translation, so it was like this, exactly this was happened. I was sitting on the throne and then I was telling myself, yeah it was 2021, and then I was telling myself, to six-armed Mahakala, I said “Mahakala, it would be nice if you show me little bit of your presence, little bit, not too much I don’t want to ask too much, a little bit, just that I know that you’re there, just a little bit. How about in this beautiful big temple, how about a black bird coming over to me, how about that? Just a little bit, something very simple, nothing unusual, nothing over the top, I’m not asking for a miracle and all those things, just a little bit.”
Then few days past and then as the retreat ended and then there was one lady who came to me and then she brought me a black bird and she said “Rinpoche give a blessing to this one”. Then I didn’t realize what it was, then I realized what it was [haha]. Then I took that, then I kept it for a few days and let it go.
Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 12, 2024 – Afternoon session (1h 45′ 26” – A black bird)
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