Aug 08

Kalu Rinpoche | Vajradhara Ling 2024 – your blessing exists

And then there was a one time in California, I was doing the self-empowerment of Six-Armed Mahakala.

And then at that time I said to Six-Armed Mahakala, I said “Dont you think it would be nice if there is a rainbow around the sun, so that people out there can see that you are not just a random deity, like boring, nonsense Vajrayana. They can feel that you are here, that you exist in this realm, that your blessing exists, your connection exists, just a little bit of that, little bit around the sun, rainbow would be nice. But who am I, you know the best.

And then when I was doing the self-empowerment and then there was a rainbow around the sun, while I was doing the self-empowerment and of course people take pictures and so on.

And then there was one time when I was in the retreat and I just sit like this in a meditation box, kind of bored. Then I said to myself, I said, it was around the 3rd year, 3rd year I was doing pretty okay, the 1st year was terrible.

3rd year yeah, I said to myself in this retreat box, nothing to do, doing meditation, and I said, I look at the shrine, my shrine (in French you say “autel”), I look at my “autel” and then there’s a little bit empty space between the statues and I said “Ah, don’t you think it would be nice if there is a statue over here, so that it can close the gap a little bit”. And then few days later, somebody offered a Buddha statue “Ah, okay, perfect.


Six-Armed Mahakala Teachings – Vajradhara Ling France
July 12, 2024 – Afternoon session (1h 52′ 05” – A rainbow around the sun)

To be continued …