So out of all the negative emotions, one of the easiest emotion to sense and to see and to reduce is the anger. So, such as jealousy is very, very subtle. Then attachment is even more subtle.
So you have to understand the gradual way of dissolving it, gradual way of challenging it, gradual way of practicing it. You have to come to that conclusion to begin with.
Because I see many Buddhist practitioner including myself, we say “I am in Samsara, I want to let go of my attachment”, okay, fine. But if you come to me and say “Oh, this statue is very beautiful and then can you give it to me Rinpoche?” and I will say “absolutely not!” and that shows I have attachment. What you are attached to doesn’t matter, the existence of the attachment is there and that is the cause of suffering. And then the angle and the aim, the priority of what you are attached to changes because your mind is fixated, right? So attachment is very subtle.
Then now, even you are visualising yourself as a deity, from the ordinary me, myself, to the subtle translucent body and mind in order to have a less fixated mind, so therefore you visualise yourself as Green Tara, Buddha, deities and so on and so forth, that is still attachment. It is not negative, extremely negative that you will fight with everybody but is still some form of attachment, some form of fixation. So the attachment can exist for quite a long time in your spiritual journey. The sooner you accept that, the faster you will improve, because there is less pretentiousness and there is no undercurrent of pretentious attitude along with your spiritual journey.
His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche in Riga, Latvia
How to understand and apply the Buddhist wisdom of emptiness in everyday life
Ganden Center – September 2024 (25′ 05”)
To be continued…
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