Then also to understand the meaning of emptiness, you also need to understand and remember the relative truth, cause and the reality of the suffering of our emotions, that is interlinked and interrelated with the meaning of compassion. So the more you understand the meaning of compassion and then the less fixation. The natural effect by giving importance to the practice of compassion, naturally you will have a less fixated mind. Then, because of your less fixated mind and then due to that then will be the sensorial level of illusionary mind…
Right, the sensorial level such as sensation of people praising you, you become impulsive to that; people criticising you, you become impulsive to that; you see something very pleasant and something beautiful and then you are drawn to it; you see something unpleasant and then you run away from it. We have all these sensorial basis of suffering based on the visual, hearing, smell and all the sensorial level. The effect of it, the fixation towards it will reduce by itself and the illusion of it will reduce by itself, just because of the maintaining of the practice of compassion.
Then due to that, you recognise the subtle body, subtle mind, subtle quality of oneself. Your natural character becomes more real version of relaxed. Not like somebody who sleeps on the sofa, not that kind of relaxed but the mental more relaxed, sense of clarity and so on.
So when I say practice compassion it doesn’t mean that give up everything and do everything whatever you can and go towards the street then try to give everything, do everything. I’m not saying that you should do that. You shouldn’t do it, ever.
His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche in Riga, Latvia
How to understand and apply the Buddhist wisdom of emptiness in everyday life
Ganden Center – September 2024 (11′ 35”)
To be continued…
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