So such as a Tonglen practice, such as a Chö practice, have you heard about the Chö practice? Anybody? No? Basically it is a, you know you are playing a drum, you are playing with the melody, with the visualisation. It is more like a giving, giving everything, everything, the whole aspect, right?
So that is also the practice of generosity. The practice of generosity, practice of compassion have to intertwine and then aligned with a great intention. So that practice has to be based on the visualisation.
So therefore the more you practice the compassion based on the visualisation, the less fixated mind you will have. Then even the struggle or the challenges that may come towards you, you will be able to overcome them more easily.
Just because you have realised the meaning of compassion and non-fixated mind doesn’t mean that you become immune to any sort of suffering. In the life there will be still here and there suffering, depends on the realisation, depends on the way you reach in terms of being a practitioner and so on and so forth.
So therefore practice of generosity is very important. The practice of generosity doesn’t mean that you have to throw everything at the shrine, it doesn’t mean that you have to throw your wealth to somebody. That is not the practice of generosity in the Buddhist context.
In the Buddhist context, the practice of generosity means a visualisation again, practice of visualisation with the mainly leading by practice of generosity, visualisation based generosity and then followed by the right ethical value. Without the right ethical value, whatever you claim to know, it becomes meaningless.
His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche in Riga, Latvia
How to understand and apply the Buddhist wisdom of emptiness in everyday life
Ganden Center – September 2024 (14′ 31”)
To be continued…
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