Jan 31

Kalu Rinpoche | Wisdom of emptiness in everyday life – recognising your distraction

Then also when you have a great inner quality in mind, people will see it, you don’t have to pretend. So when you walk towards your spiritual journey, pretentiousness has to be abandoned, sincerity has to upheld.

When I say sincerity and honesty in your spiritual journey, it doesn’t mean that you have to go around your neighborhood and tell them what you do in your life. That is not that kind of honesty, you will lose your job, you will lose embarrassment, you will be outcast and all of that. You don’t need to go that far.

When I say sincerity it means sincerity of your own error in your own practice, sincerity of recognising your distraction while you are practicing it, losing the clarity, losing the concentration and awareness. Sincerity and acknowledgment that you lost some form of clarity and concentration and then instantly reconnecting it, maintaining it and practicing it. That sense of attitude is very important and then the only, the real progress of your spiritual journey can exist.


His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche in Riga, Latvia
How to understand and apply the Buddhist wisdom of emptiness in everyday life
Ganden Center – September 2024 (23′ 53”)

To be continued…