Jan 03

Kalu Rinpoche | Wisdom of emptiness in everyday life – Tonglen practice

Therefore you have to understand the distinction of the meaning of compassion. So the compassion, in what I am trying to express, let put it like this, we have to practice compassion based on the visualisation.

We have to visualise the meaning of compassion and the object, those we are compassionate to, we have to repeat that visualisation again and again, again and again. And some of you have heard about it and that is the Tonglen practice. Tonglen practice, compassion practice, that has to be done thoroughly on a daily basis.


His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche in Riga, Latvia
How to understand and apply the Buddhist wisdom of emptiness in everyday life
Ganden Center – September 2024 (13′ 40”)

To be continued…