Because at that point you can say “ah this is the present, this a state of knowing, I recognize what is the illusion, what is projection of thoughts and this is the state of knowing“.
Because the state of knowing itself has a sense of clarity, has a radiance inseparably together and you are neither living in the past or the future. You are truly being in the present, without any sensation of grasping. If there is a grasping you are living in the future, you are no longer in the present.
In order to recognize the nature of the mind you have to minimize the attachment. If you minimize the attachment then gradually you can minimize the grasping sensation. If you can minimize the grasping sensation then the nature of the mind is a possibility.
Kalu Rinpoche – “Recognizing the nature of the mind”
Paldenshangpa La Boulaye – ZOOM November 7, 2020
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