So therefore as a Buddhist practitioner, from my understanding, is that solitude is necessary. The solitude doesn’t mean that you have to go up in the mountain. I always say […]... read more →
So therefore, whatever you are in life, whoever the great master you have met, always maintain your foundation, the core foundation, the Bodhicitta, compassion and dedication to all the sentient beings. That root and awareness of your own mind, awareness of your own emotion that always have to be held together.... read more →
And also be aware when somebody is praising you.... read more →
So even you may have certain vision and clairvoyant experience, don’t ever get excited with it and don’t think that will save you any time soon, because it doesn’t. So […]... read more →
So just for the clarity, this time, Six-Armed Mahakala (empowerment) has to be the meditative Mahakala empowerment [Barché Kunsel]. And then next time there will be Guru Yoga Six-Armed Mahakala […]... read more →
So it’s in your hand, it’s in your hand how you do it. It’s not up to me, it’s up to you, how you handle it, how you cherish it, how you practice it, how serious you are.... read more →
A: Very big question! The nature of the mind is there, but I haven’t discovered yet. [haha]... read more →
Now please keep in mind that when I say “the clear, empty view of all the Deities and Bodhisttvas“, many people have the misunderstanding that you practice one Deity so […]... read more →
But eventually all the great masters, when they have a high realization, there is no distance, there is no calling for the Six-Armed Mahakala, there is no completion of the Six-Armed Mahakala, there is no beginning of the Six-Armed Mahakala, you know,because they have a continuation of awareness.... read more →
People who like to misuse it, this is how they achieve it. You know, like the, it gives too much fear right? Say like “oh you don’t listen to me, […]... read more →