The real empowerment is:... read more →
We are especially fortunate to receive these empowerments from Rinpoche, as they are rarely given. Rinpoche explains that Chakdrukpa is a pure emanation of Chenrezig and the Protector for this life, the next, and the Bardo (after-death state).... read more →
Lesson 10: Essential Instructions on the Bardo Practice.... read more →
The special Dharma Protector for the Shangpa Kagyu tradition is the Swift-Acting Six-Armed Awareness Protector. Commonly known as ‘Chakdrukpa’, he is a wrathful manifestation of the Great Compassionate One, Chenrezig. The transmissions for the Six-Armed Mahakala came from the Mahāsiddhas Maitrīpa, Rāhula and Shawaripa to Khyungpo Naljor, the source of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage. The great accomplished Tāranātha, a Shangpa Kagyu lineage holder, refined the various texts and practices and taught that the essence of this practice is to combine the Protector with the Yidam and the Guru Yoga practice.... read more →
The Wisdom Academy is very pleased and honored to share that in 2024, we will be launching a new online course with His Eminence the 2nd Kalu Rinpoche.... read more →
49-day memorial - August 1, 2023. Recording of Nyur zema, chanted by Mogchok Rinpoche at the end of the Ganden Lha Gya Ma.... read more →
Host: So the yoga practice supports the tummo practice, the inner fire practice, which supports your, in touch with the illusory sort of body. Kalu Rinpoche: Yes. Host: Which helps […]... read more →
Q: How to train our mind and visualize and recite to get peaceful death?
A: Okay so there’s a few things that I need to answer to you.... read more →
Why recognising the nature of the mind is very important? It’s because when we die, in the time of the bardo, you know, there is the bardo suffering as well. […]... read more →
Q: Thank you very much for this opportunity to listen to a great teacher, I’m relatively new to my Buddhist practice and I’d like to ask a question regarding consciousness […]... read more →