I’ll give you one clear example. I am not trying to promote His Holiness Dalai Lama’s image again here and there and so on so forth. But I will give […]... read more →
So such as a Tonglen practice, such as a Chö practice, have you heard about the Chö practice? Anybody? No? Basically it is a, you know you are playing a […]... read more →
Therefore you have to understand the distinction of the meaning of compassion. So the compassion, in what I am trying to express, let put it like this, we have to […]... read more →
I myself, when I was 4 years old, I was recognised by His Holiness Dalai Lama, Kundun, I was recognised as a reincarnation of the previous Kalu Rinpoche. So I […]... read more →
So therefore, whatever you are in life, whoever the great master you have met, always maintain your foundation, the core foundation, the Bodhicitta, compassion and dedication to all the sentient beings. That root and awareness of your own mind, awareness of your own emotion that always have to be held together.... read more →
Then if you can just look at the taste of that and then of course the devotion will grow even more and the compassion to all the sentient beings will grow even more.... read more →
Therefore, the advanced practitioner, there is no such concept in the “Illusory body and mind” not much detail as an average practitioner because they already reach to that level of […]... read more →
I’m not asking you to worship Guru, I’m saying that’s where we need to reach. That’s the concept, that’s the idea we need to build and establish first.... read more →
We are especially fortunate to receive these empowerments from Rinpoche, as they are rarely given. Rinpoche explains that Chakdrukpa is a pure emanation of Chenrezig and the Protector for this life, the next, and the Bardo (after-death state).... read more →
So now in this session you are going to receive a teaching of “Illusory body and mind”. So I must make a very clear distinction that, whether you understand everything […]... read more →