So therefore first challenge that we need to overcome, over the time, is anger. And the definition of the anger, where does the anger exist whether it is in the […]... read more →
Then also to understand the meaning of emptiness, you also need to understand and remember the relative truth, cause and the reality of the suffering of our emotions, that is […]... read more →
And that is when you start to reflect on the meaning of compassion but you also have to start an analytical understanding of why we need to be compassionate and […]... read more →
So let’s start with you are going to be disappointed... read more →
Online lecture “How to understand and apply the Buddhist wisdom of emptiness in everyday life“. What is emptiness in Buddhism? How can understanding this make everyday life easier when we […]... read more →
So now in this session you are going to receive a teaching of “Illusory body and mind”. So I must make a very clear distinction that, whether you understand everything […]... read more →
So it’s in your hand, it’s in your hand how you do it. It’s not up to me, it’s up to you, how you handle it, how you cherish it, how you practice it, how serious you are.... read more →
And so make the prayer for your success in this and other lives.... read more →
Q: I always feel so real when communicate with different people in my life but that is not easy to practice with “everything is not truly exist”, could you please […]... read more →
Now please keep in mind that when I say “the clear, empty view of all the Deities and Bodhisttvas“, many people have the misunderstanding that you practice one Deity so […]... read more →