Q: Rinpoche la, how can we improve our love when nothing goes right according to our wish ? A: I think proper planning is important, being patient is important. Wanting […]... read more →
Q: Rinpoche la, is it okay if we get a lung from the past videos of a great lamas?... read more →
Q: I always feel so real when communicate with different people in my life but that is not easy to practice with “everything is not truly exist”, could you please […]... read more →
Q: Is it important to pray every single day, as a student you don’t get enough time for that, as you have to study for assignment and all? A: No, […]... read more →
I want to say thank you for all of you who are watching, and showing your, you know, support and dedication when I’m in India, when I’m around the world, […]... read more →
There is one person, Norbu, asking a question that I have met His Holiness Dalaï Lama recently, so what is my “feeling”?... read more →
Q: What is the easiest way to liberate for a layman? A: That is one thing you need to stop thinking. Like “I am a layman, therefore I’m a lesser […]... read more →
Q: This yoga, these physical postures, where does that fit within the tantric path?... read more →
Q: How can we overcome anxiety? A: I think anxiety has something to do with the food, not just your mental level as well. So what you consume plays a, […]... read more →
Q: I always stay worried, even I don’t have […] what prayers recommended la, Rinpoche? A: You know, all the worried and the fear comes from the fixation of the […]... read more →