But let me make it more clear. Right? Many people when they talk about “phowa practice“, they think that “phowa practice” is something to do, “transmission” and then “everything is […]... read more →
Q: Please chant Chenrezig mantra for us with your beautiful melody.
A: Okay. I don’t know the melody of the Avalokiteshvara.... read more →
Q: How to train our mind and visualize and recite to get peaceful death?
A: Okay so there’s a few things that I need to answer to you.... read more →
So, I will read a few sentence from Niguma’s teaching. So, I mean of course there’s many things that she have mentioned, but I will just read one, few lines, […]... read more →
Q: Bodhicitta and wisdom of emptiness are the only two ways to get out of the Samsara, kindly explain. A: I think, I think you know the answer, I think […]... read more →
Q: Can you please explain the difference between the absolute and the relative truth, please? A: Yeah, absolute truth and relative truth. All the external phenomena, you know, that we […]... read more →
Hung! I prostrate myself before the Rapid One Who Watches Over All! who crushes Binayaka with your anklet-adorned feet. Great Black, a tiger skin serves as your skirt, and snakes decorate your six arms.... read more →
Glorious and precious guru who sits on a lotus-moon seat on the crown of my head, through your great kindness, having taken me as a disciple, grant me the accomplishments of the body, speech and mind {of the Buddhas}.... read more →
Q: Can we participate on pujas without empowerment? A: Well, that depends on the prayers and practice. Any tantric level of, any Vajrayana pujas, you really need to receive the […]... read more →
Hello everybody! Good evening from the Land of Happiness, Bhutan, Thimphu. So I just, going up, trekking. So this path doesn’t have a path to go up this way. Look […]... read more →