Then if you can just look at the taste of that and then of course the devotion will grow even more and the compassion to all the sentient beings will grow even more.... read more →
As you are visualising your Guru or whichever, Niguma or Vajradhara, whichever it may be or like Sukhasiddhi, all the deity starts with, all the Deity [Yidam] has been welcomed by the radiance of the Guru mandala and dissolve into the Guru.... read more →
Now you have to visualize yourself, as you rest little bit by a conclusive understanding of the nature of the reality of suffering and resting a bit and then you have to visualise yourself as a Deity.... read more →
[Tibetan] So it says now, it starts with the first 2 topics: (1) “moge lamé nam kyér” [Integrating Devotion to the Guru] (2) “chi nam deme lame kyer nyi so” […]... read more →
Q: Is this the same empowerment that the Dalai Lama gave (in May 2024 in Dharamsala)?... read more →
It’s a little bit like a decompression, if you are not fully decompressed and then cannot really relaxed, even in a physical level. You need to decompress. Let’s say in […]... read more →
So with regard to the mandala, in front the tetrahedron [inverted 3- sided pyramid, wide at the top, pointed at the bottom], the source of phenomena [Chöjung] as it is called, appears.... read more →
Lesson 2: Proper Reliance on the Vajra Master... read more →
All Sentient Beings, my mothers, who equal [the extent of] space,
go for refuge to the precious Lama who is the embodiment of all refuges.... read more →
And now, now you understand the mindset of the meditation. Now you have to follow the physical step. Okay, so those you are sitting on a chair, don’t feel culpability […]... read more →