This text [Cleansing with the AH] is written by Thangtong Gyalpo. Okay? Just so you know. Thangtong Gyalpo is a great physician, as well as a great meditator, and a […]... read more →
So, now, in order to succeed in this spiritual path, we all need to practice visualization, meditation with visualization.... read more →
[Tibetan] Like an example, in our ordinary world, we worship, you know, movie stars, writers, poets, artists, musicians, you know? We say “Oh, I’m like him, or like her”, you […]... read more →
So okay, so now the cleansing, coming down to the cleansing. If you have a, you know, phone with you, please keep it silent and then you can do a […]... read more →
So coming down to the Niguma teaching, this cleansing with the AH [The empty AH ཨའི་སྟོང་ར a’i stong ra] is one of the special teachings of the Niguma Yoga. It’s part of the preliminary but is seen as a very important practice.... read more →
Glorious Lama, may Your Lotus Feet stay firmly in this World. May all Beings, as countless as the boundless sky, enjoy Happiness and Wellbeing. May I, together with all Beings […]... read more →
So, you see, the Niguma’s teaching, it was not opened for the public, for seven generations. So she, herself, she prophesized, she said, “my teachings that has been taught to […]... read more →
Good morning everyone. So today I have a small gift for you. It’s not a cake, not a cake.... read more →
And then, origin of the Niguma: Niguma herself she is born in a Brahman cast, she is an Indian lady, she is elder sister of Naropa and in some story she is said that she is the younger sister or cousin or wife.... read more →
So this Niguma Yoga is basically, like I said, you can either go in physical and mental well-being and you can have all the beautiful experience of the blissful experience, if you just do the yoga.
Then if you do through the Buddhist way, practice Dharma, practice Bodhicitta, that can also enhance your spiritual journey as well.... read more →