The monks and lamas continue to offer many prayers in gratitude to all the patrons that donate to the monks and monastery so they can fulfill the aspirations and wishes of Kalu Rinpoche.... read more →
In accordance with Kalu Rinpoche's wishes, all of us here try our best to prepare our young monks for their future to be of great benefit to the dharma and all sentient beings.... read more →
Salugara Monastery in India... read more →
Your continued support has made all of this possible and all the Lamas and monks are deeply grateful.... read more →
On August 15, 2019 a completion ceremony was held for the monks studying English. There are two English classes, one for beginners and another for more advanced students. First, Second and Third place prizes were handed out to the best in both classes. ... read more →
Sunday, August 4th, is Chökhor Düchen, one of the four “Great Wheel” days in Buddhism. Known as the Celebration of Turning the Wheel of Dharma, it marks the first time […]... read more →
The monks and lamas of Kalu Rinpoche's monastery in India are very grateful for the donations received through website.... read more →
Start a monthly donation OR Make a one-off donation [...]... read more →
The previous Kalu Rinpoche established the monastery in Sonada and also the Great Stupa and monastery in Salugara, India. Currently there are about 150 people there that include children monks […]... read more →
They need not just the basic hospitality or the security, they also need a proper education and proper medical needs. That will be possible only with your support, only with your generosity.... read more →