We are especially fortunate to receive these empowerments from Rinpoche, as they are rarely given. Rinpoche explains that Chakdrukpa is a pure emanation of Chenrezig and the Protector for this life, the next, and the Bardo (after-death state).... read more →
So today we are doing the Mahakala and the four Combined deities རྗེས་གནང་ “jenang” [permission empowerment].... read more →
So here we are doing the permission blessing, the permission initiation of the Combined practice of four Deities.... read more →
Confess all the distractions you may have had throughout the practice.
But don’t feel bad! Feeling bad, feeling guilty, is not part of the spiritual journey.... read more →
Six-Armed Mahakala is a Wisdom emanation of Avalokiteshvara with immense compassion for all sentient beings.... read more →
So, we visualise the Samaya deity and the Wisdom deity combined, inseparably together and then, of course, we make offerings.
External, physical things that we have actually arranged (1). The Inner offering of all the five Nectars and five Meats (2), and then we offer the offering of bliss (3), and then we make the ultimate, Nature of Mind offering (4). So, four different types of offering.... read more →
Kalu Rinpoche Podcast – Episode 8 – March 11, 2021 (11 min) – Mahakala Tchadrupa part 2 Hello everyone, this is Kalu Rinpoche’s podcast, and thank you for being here […]... read more →
Kalu Rinpoche Podcast – Episode 7 – March 10, 2021 (13 min) – Mahakala Tchadrupa part 1 Hello everyone, this is Kalu Rinpoche’s podcast, and thank you for being here […]... read more →
In this second episod extracted out of a teaching in Palden Shangpa La Boulaye (France) about the protector Mahakala Tchadrupa, Kalu Rinpoche gives us a second tip on what are […]... read more →
In this first episode extracted from a teaching about Mahakala Tchadrupa, in Palden Shangpa La Boulaye (France) on February 27th 2021, Kalu Rinpoche gives us tips on the motivation of […]... read more →