Also you see that, like I have told you yesterday, when you practice Six-Armed Mahakala the relationship builds over the time.... read more →
Then if you can just look at the taste of that and then of course the devotion will grow even more and the compassion to all the sentient beings will grow even more.... read more →
And then try to think like this, it says: [Tibetan] And then all the worldly things are not so important, not so important. Nothing is really, really beneficial, nothing is […]... read more →
Therefore, the advanced practitioner, there is no such concept in the “Illusory body and mind” not much detail as an average practitioner because they already reach to that level of […]... read more →
Glorious Lama, may Your Lotus Feet stay firmly in this World. May all Beings, as countless as the boundless sky, enjoy Happiness and Wellbeing. May I, together with all Beings […]... read more →
July 6, 2023 - Happy birthday to my living Buddha The Great 14th Dalaï Lama... read more →
And many people when they think about renunciation they think that, you know, having a hair cut, changing clothes, changing place. They think that’s renunciation. That is “ceremonial renunciation”. It’s […]... read more →
First of all, I want to say thank you very much for this introduction. And then also for inviting me for, for, to give a talk and to share my […]... read more →
Q: Bodhicitta and wisdom of emptiness are the only two ways to get out of the Samsara, kindly explain. A: I think, I think you know the answer, I think […]... read more →
Why recognising the nature of the mind is very important? It’s because when we die, in the time of the bardo, you know, there is the bardo suffering as well. […]... read more →