Also you see that, like I have told you yesterday, when you practice Six-Armed Mahakala the relationship builds over the time.... read more →
And then try to think like this, it says: [Tibetan] And then all the worldly things are not so important, not so important. Nothing is really, really beneficial, nothing is […]... read more →
So for all of us when we go through, right now we call it this mental suffering, the sooner we acknowledge the existence of fixation, then the sooner we can […]... read more →
So many people, so many of us, have gone through a very rough life, lot of trauma, lot of abuse, lot of confusion, and then we always blame other people also.... read more →
All these are special, all these are blessing, all these are unique and we have to cherish that.... read more →
Q: What is the easiest way to liberate for a layman? A: That is one thing you need to stop thinking. Like “I am a layman, therefore I’m a lesser […]... read more →
First of all, I want to say thank you very much for this introduction. And then also for inviting me for, for, to give a talk and to share my […]... read more →
So if you feel like alcohol is helping you here and there, yeah, it’s good, temporarily. But in the long run, it’s not the solution. You have to come to […]... read more →
Q: Tashi Delek, any advice on alcoholism? A: I think alcohol is not the problem. The main problem is that you choose not to see certain things, and you are […]... read more →
Q: Bodhicitta and wisdom of emptiness are the only two ways to get out of the Samsara, kindly explain. A: I think, I think you know the answer, I think […]... read more →