“The way you make a prayer has to be almost like you are going to merge into the Guru and as if the Guru is going to merge into you.”... read more →
As you are visualising your Guru or whichever, Niguma or Vajradhara, whichever it may be or like Sukhasiddhi, all the deity starts with, all the Deity [Yidam] has been welcomed by the radiance of the Guru mandala and dissolve into the Guru.... read more →
Now you have to visualize yourself, as you rest little bit by a conclusive understanding of the nature of the reality of suffering and resting a bit and then you have to visualise yourself as a Deity.... read more →
And then try to think like this, it says: [Tibetan] And then all the worldly things are not so important, not so important. Nothing is really, really beneficial, nothing is […]... read more →
Therefore, the advanced practitioner, there is no such concept in the “Illusory body and mind” not much detail as an average practitioner because they already reach to that level of […]... read more →
[Tibetan] So it says now, it starts with the first 2 topics: (1) “moge lamé nam kyér” [Integrating Devotion to the Guru] (2) “chi nam deme lame kyer nyi so” […]... read more →
“Illusionary body and mind” I find it a very beautiful teaching.... read more →