H.E. Kalu Rinpoche will offer online teaching for our global Dharma brothers and sisters via Zoom. Two Events: 28th Oct. (Open to PUBLIC) The Cleansing Practice of AH – In-depth […]... read more →
The Cleansing Practice of AH – In-depth Instruction (Open to PUBLIC).
Tsok Offering for the Six-Armed Protector (ONLY for those who have received the Six-Armed Mahakala Empowerment).... read more →
So, there’s a several teachings of “The Cleansing of the AH”. So “The Cleansing of the AH” the first one is done by Taranatha.... read more →
We dedicate all this positivity, the teachings of the Niguma, we dedicate for this greater harmony in this world, and greater wisdom in this world, and more peace in this world, and less suffering in this world.... read more →
網絡授課 Online event 阿字淨障法 尊貴的卡盧仁波切親授 The Cleansing Practice of AH by H.E. Kalu Rinpoche 阿字淨障法屬於尼古瑪六法的不共前行修法,與廣為人知的金剛薩垛淨障修法相呼應。 The Cleansing Practice of AH meditation comes from the Special Preliminary practices of The Six […]... read more →
It is a rare opportunity to receive these very precious empowerments from Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche, and we look forward to welcoming you to join us and embark on the spiritual journey of a solid, authentic Dharma practitioner.... read more →
49-day memorial - August 1, 2023. Recording of Nyur zema, chanted by Mogchok Rinpoche at the end of the Ganden Lha Gya Ma.... read more →
If you do not have a mindful foundation then whatever the generosity practice that you may be doing may not have that much of a positive impact, you know? So […]... read more →
Number two is that you train yourself to visualize. Nowadays many Buddhist practitioner, we come to the conclusion that “We must visualize, visualize, visualize”. And that is the first mistake. […]... read more →
Because in order to, you know, in order to develop all these qualities, you need to start a meditation. Nowadays there’s so many commercialized meditations, you know? Like an example, […]... read more →