Many comment that you are a handsome teacher
and very modern style of teaching
What do you think about this?... read more →
You emphasized equality in lineages and student-teacher relationship however, in Vajrayana it states that one should see the guru as the Buddha Please explain this?... read more →
Rinpoche la, Tibetan Buddhism has many lineages, with some claiming to be the best. What do you think of these claims?... read more →
Rinpoche la. What advice would you give on how to find the authentic teacher and the pure Dharma in this modern world?... read more →
Rinpoche la, the previous Kalu Rinpoche set up centers and retreats all around the world with many students. How do you feel having all these responsabilities?... read more →
The most important of all is to study your emotion, study your pride, minimize all the negative qualities and the habits of your emotion.... read more →