Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche has a busy international schedule consisting of audiences, interviews, teachings and empowerments, and more. This schedule is subject to change and all finalized details and dates will be added to this page. You can contact the personal secretary of Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche.
- This event has passed.
UK – London, England
September 2, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - September 3, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
H.E. Kalu Rinpoche – UK Mahakala Retreat 2023.
Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoche has kindly offered to give the Six-Armed Mahakala and White Mahakala empowerments along with teachings and a one-day retreat.
The special Dharma Protector for the Shangpa Kagyu tradition is the Swift-Acting Six-Armed Awareness Protector. Commonly known as ‘Chakdrukpa’, he is a wrathful manifestation of the Great Compassionate One, Chenrezig. The transmissions for the Six-Armed Mahakala came from the Mahāsiddhas Maitrīpa, Rāhula and Shawaripa to Khyungpo Naljor, the source of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage. The great accomplished Tāranātha, a Shangpa Kagyu lineage holder, refined the various texts and practices and taught that the essence of this practice is to combine the Protector with the Yidam and the Guru Yoga practice.
There are many forms of the Six-Armed Mahakala. They all emanate from the main blue/black form which is known as ‘Barché Kunsel’ (Dispeller of All Obstacles). Within the Shangpa Kagyu tradition, there are 13 empowerments for Mahakala.
One of the well-known emanations of Chakdrukpa is White Mahakala, known as ‘Gönkar Yishin Norbu’ (White Protector Wishfulfilling Jewel). This deity embodies the pacifying and increasing activity of all Buddhas. Realising the perfect fulfilment of this practice means achieving the perfect Buddhahood. On a mundane level, White Mahakala practice increases one’s life force and longevity, multiplies merit and wisdom, and enhances prosperity, especially in relation to creating conducive circumstances for practising the Dharma.
Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoche will bestow both of these empowerments. We are especially fortunate to receive these empowerments from Rinpoche as they are rarely given. Rinpoche explains that Chakdrukpa is a pure emanation of Chenrezig and the Protector for this life and the next, and also for the Bardo (after-death state).