So the yoga comes after the, establishing yourself of the deity practice. The purpose of the deity practice is that you, kind of distance to yourself from the senses. Right […]... read more →
Farmer Sangay: You said you wanted to help others, especially in our country, you also mentioned about being able to guide them, or share with them, how to attain more […]... read more →
Q: Rinpoche, can we practice Shamatha without practicing, or before Ngöndro? A: Yes, absolutely. Shamatha and Vipassana is a foundation of the preliminary. Preliminary, preliminary practice, the Ngöndro practice is […]... read more →
Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche will be teaching in Vancouver, Canada and will give instruction on Shamatha, Vipassana, and Niguma Yoga over two weekends on October 22-24 and October 29-31, 2021 (from […]... read more →
So, I will start with the Niguma Sgyu Ma Lamrim, the path of illusion. Like I have said before, the meaning of the path of illusion, in Tibetan we said […]... read more →
Retreat with Kalu Rinpoche from June 11th to 25th. Hello everyone, Tashi delek, We are happy to announce that Kyabjé Kalou Rinpoche will guide a retreat from June 11th to […]... read more →
But in order to have that calm attitude towards how to examine the bad mood, all that, it comes down to your own daily commitment. Like I’ve been saying so […]... read more →
Q: How to be aware every minute, make this awareness to become our second nature? A: Well, in order to be aware every minute, you have to start doing morning […]... read more →
And then of course, sometimes you feel it. Sometimes you fail to overcome. And sometimes you will manage to overcome, and sometimes maybe you will be little bit critical. But […]... read more →