Teaching on Illusory Body & Mind and the Cleansing AH Rinpoche will offer two days of teachings on the Cleansing Ah practice (the main purification practice in the Shangpa Kagyu […]... read more →
A: Very big question! The nature of the mind is there, but I haven’t discovered yet. [haha]... read more →
Okay, so in order to start here meditation, you have to do the breathing exercise. And the breathing exercise goes like this, you know, when you inhale all the way, […]... read more →
H.E. Kalu Rinpoche gives online teachings of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage to Dharma friends globally. 尊貴的卡盧仁波切於線上為全球的法友們親授香巴噶舉的教法。 Online event 網絡授課 The Cleansing Practice of AH by H.E. Kalu Rinpoche 阿字淨障法 尊貴的卡盧仁波切親授 […]... read more →
On one of the most auspicious days of the Wood Dragon Year, the 15th of the Miracle Month, Rinpoche will bestow the empowerment and give instructions on this practice.... read more →
All Sentient Beings, my mothers, who equal [the extent of] space,
go for refuge to the precious Lama who is the embodiment of all refuges.... read more →
First of all, first of all, Tashi Delek, and good morning and good afternoon. My sincere apology for being late, due to the great city of England and London and […]... read more →