Q: How to train our mind and visualize and recite to get peaceful death?
A: Okay so there’s a few things that I need to answer to you.... read more →
As you can see on my left is Khenpo-la, Khenpo Lakshy, you get to know him, you got to know him for the last few days more than before, and […]... read more →
Q: I’ve a question about Dream practice. I’ve been trying to work with Dream practice for about 20 years. I completed 6 Yogas of Naropa in retreat, in 3Y retreat. […]... read more →
So now, I’ll put my commentary, whatever you call it. So there’s a difference between “recognizing” it and “noticing” it, in the subtleness of the mind. So “recognizing” it, is […]... read more →
Q: Thank you very much for this opportunity to listen to a great teacher, I’m relatively new to my Buddhist practice and I’d like to ask a question regarding consciousness […]... read more →
And all these experience, is experienced by all of us in the state of the dream. No, I mean, not all of that, but dissolving the element, we all experience […]... read more →