As you are visualising your Guru or whichever, Niguma or Vajradhara, whichever it may be or like Sukhasiddhi, all the deity starts with, all the Deity [Yidam] has been welcomed by the radiance of the Guru mandala and dissolve into the Guru.... read more →
Host: And then Rinpoche the next course you’re teaching is on “Dream Yoga” and I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about how “Illusory body practice” connects […]... read more →
Lesson 10: Essential Instructions on the Bardo Practice.... read more →
Q: There’s another sort of word we hear all the time in Tantric teachings: “subtle body”, how should we think about “subtle body” when we have “illusory body”, we have […]... read more →
During this Wisdom Dharma Chat host, Daniel Aitken, and Rinpoche will discuss his Wisdom Academy online course Illusory Body and Mind, along with his new and upcoming course on Niguma’s dream yoga, and much more.... read more →
Niguma and Dream Yoga Teachings with H.E. Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche. Please join us for an extraordinary day of teachings and empowerments conferred by H.E. Kalu Rinpoche. 4 – 6pm: Niguma […]... read more →
This weekend, we have the great honor of welcoming H.E. Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche, the lineage holder of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage, to teach at Tibet House US, in person and online.... read more →
Host: So the yoga practice supports the tummo practice, the inner fire practice, which supports your, in touch with the illusory sort of body. Kalu Rinpoche: Yes. Host: Which helps […]... read more →
Host: So we actually use this, experiences, and experience of bliss to access this non-dual experience? Is that, is that right Rinpoche? Kalu Rinpoche: Yes, yes, yeah. Host: So in […]... read more →
Q: How to train our mind and visualize and recite to get peaceful death?
A: Okay so there’s a few things that I need to answer to you.... read more →