If you practice Six-Armed Mahakala, the worldly blessing comes to you by itself.... read more →
We will be happy and honored to receive the Master of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage to which we belong, Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche. His Eminence will give the empowerment of the […]... read more →
Confess all the distractions you may have had throughout the practice.
But don’t feel bad! Feeling bad, feeling guilty, is not part of the spiritual journey.... read more →
Six-Armed Mahakala is a Wisdom emanation of Avalokiteshvara with immense compassion for all sentient beings.... read more →
So, we visualise the Samaya deity and the Wisdom deity combined, inseparably together and then, of course, we make offerings.
External, physical things that we have actually arranged (1). The Inner offering of all the five Nectars and five Meats (2), and then we offer the offering of bliss (3), and then we make the ultimate, Nature of Mind offering (4). So, four different types of offering.... read more →
Now please keep in mind that when I say “the clear, empty view of all the Deities and Bodhisttvas“, many people have the misunderstanding that you practice one Deity so […]... read more →
But eventually all the great masters, when they have a high realization, there is no distance, there is no calling for the Six-Armed Mahakala, there is no completion of the Six-Armed Mahakala, there is no beginning of the Six-Armed Mahakala, you know,because they have a continuation of awareness.... read more →
So now going back to the explanation of the deity, or the protector, the mindset towards the deity.... read more →