Aug 13

Kalu Rinpoche | Stages in the Path of Illusion | Inseparable with your guru

Always try to practice, whenever you are visualizing the deity, always try to think of as inseparable with your guru.

Inseparable with your guru – again it comes down to the meaning of awareness. You don’t have to implant the image of your guru in your mind and saying “I am inseparable with my guru” that is not the meaning of inseparable with your guru.

The meaning of inseparable with the guru, simply means your mind simply being there, and sense of continuity of gratitude to our guru, to the teachings of the Lord Buddha, a sense of humbleness, the attitude of sense of humbleness. Not egoistic attitude. Sense of humbleness. “Oh, I’m very fortunate to receive such teachings, I’m very fortunate to learn such great Dharma, I’m very fortunate to receive such great teachings from these great different masters throughout my lifetime, I’m very fortunate. Without their guidance, without their teachings, I cannot achieve or succeed where I am right now. I’m very grateful.

So think like that. It doesn’t hurt anybody. It doesn’t make your bank account number less, it doesn’t make you rich, it doesn’t make you poor. You don’t have to fly anywhere. It’s just a simple mindset, and that can help you. It’s not a new technique. It’s an old technique.

So when you have that, then sense of reflection to oneself, and then there’s always inseparable with your guru. The guru will never be unhappy in one day, because you did not visualize him, or her. As long as the practitioner has a sense of mindfulness approach in life, and with oneself, your genuine guru is happy for you. So that’s it. You can visualize anyone, and that guru, one guru long time ago, that person will be happy for you. As long as the quality is there.


Kalu Rinpoche
Stages in the path of illusion – August 7, 2021
Teachings based on the Niguma’s Gyuma Lam Rim “sgyu ma lam rim” (Stages in the Path of Illusion)

“[8] The stages on the five paths and ten grounds
are traversed on the strength of devotion.
The sublime vital point of the tantras’ intention

is never to be separate from the guru’s manifestation.”