Shangpa Kagyu Mönlam 2023. Mönlam is an annual event of collective aspiration for the world and for the enlightenment of all beings. Communal prayers help to overcome obstacles to peace […]... read more →
Recite this prayer when you wake up, and you will accomplish all your aims for the day. Recite it when you go to sleep, and you will have good dreams. Recite it before a conflict, and you will be completely victorious. Recite it when you embark on any project, and you will be successful.... read more →
Milarepa Teachings & Empowerment. Introduction to the Empowerment Milarepa Empowerment & Tsok Milarepa Practice... read more →
this is called “Zangchö Mönlam”, literally means “Aspiration prayer”, “Mönlam Aspiration Prayer”.... read more →
Niguma Yoga – Bodhisattva Teachings.... read more →
Monlam is aspiration and dedication prayer to all the sentient beings.... read more →
Niguma Yoga. His Eminence Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoche, lineage holder of the Shangpa Kagyu Buddhist tradition, will be teaching the rare and unusual physical yogas of the 11th century yogini, Niguma, […]... read more →
Shangpa Monlam at Ser Cho Ling
June 23 – June 25, 2023... read more →
Host: but Rinpoche, you spent so much time practicing these practices, and also in Three Year Retreat as well. So is this what you were doing in Three Year Retreat? […]... read more →
Niguma Long Life and Chenrezig Empowerments.... read more →