“ Any positive merits I dedicate to the prosperity of the Buddha Dharma, to the longevity of all the great masters, to the harmony and wisdom and truthfulness of the worldwide sanghas, and to the liberation of all the sentient beings from the illusion of samsara. ”... read more →
The final conclusion of the session, maybe you have forgotten many things along the way, so the final conclusion is “don’t be superstitious”, okay?... read more →
If you practice Six-Armed Mahakala, the worldly blessing comes to you by itself.... read more →
So, we visualise the Samaya deity and the Wisdom deity combined, inseparably together and then, of course, we make offerings.
External, physical things that we have actually arranged (1). The Inner offering of all the five Nectars and five Meats (2), and then we offer the offering of bliss (3), and then we make the ultimate, Nature of Mind offering (4). So, four different types of offering.... read more →
Many people they have this assumption that “I practice this deity, so now I have to be committed to this one” and then, “but I received more than one, then I have to abandon the another one, and then I have to accumulate with the other deity practice, other protector practice.”... read more →
The special Dharma Protector for the Shangpa Kagyu tradition is the Swift-Acting Six-Armed Awareness Protector. Commonly known as ‘Chakdrukpa’, he is a wrathful manifestation of the Great Compassionate One, Chenrezig. The transmissions for the Six-Armed Mahakala came from the Mahāsiddhas Maitrīpa, Rāhula and Shawaripa to Khyungpo Naljor, the source of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage. The great accomplished Tāranātha, a Shangpa Kagyu lineage holder, refined the various texts and practices and taught that the essence of this practice is to combine the Protector with the Yidam and the Guru Yoga practice.... read more →
Glorious and precious guru who sits on a lotus-moon seat on the crown of my head, through your great kindness, having taken me as a disciple, grant me the accomplishments of the body, speech and mind {of the Buddhas}.... read more →
His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche will be visiting KDK during the Mahakala practice. His Eminence will arrive the 30th and join the New Year Mahakala ending session, and give teachings on […]... read more →
In this second episod extracted out of a teaching in Palden Shangpa La Boulaye (France) about the protector Mahakala Tchadrupa, Kalu Rinpoche gives us a second tip on what are […]... read more →
In this first episode extracted from a teaching about Mahakala Tchadrupa, in Palden Shangpa La Boulaye (France) on February 27th 2021, Kalu Rinpoche gives us tips on the motivation of […]... read more →