You don’t need to say to your Guru or to your Lama and say “Ah, I need to have a devotion to the Buddha and Dharma and Sangha, but there […]... read more →
So therefore, the first practice is generosity, you know, practicing generosity. So the practicing generosity means reciting the visualization that you are wanting to benefit all the sentient beings; you’re […]... read more →
But any positive action needs to have some sort of awareness in mind. And that awareness in mind is the discipline. The discipline does not need to define as “being […]... read more →
The practice, I think the most important is not practicing a “Buddhism” as a religion. That is the most important thing. Practicing the Buddhism as a, as a solution to […]... read more →
You can help other people in this world, by loving kindness, but you should not pretend to be compassionate, because the true meaning of compassion, it means “selfless”, you know? […]... read more →
Because when you practice generosity, eventually you create a sense of attitude, absent from the fixation to oneself. You are entering to the new reality, pattern of habit. Right now […]... read more →
The visualization generosity is far more important than the materialistic generosity. Because visualization is basically a practice; so practicing the repetitive generosity act in the visualization, whether it is offering […]... read more →
This is where I have to be careful. Meanwhile I am promoting the meaning of generosity, it does not mean that I am asking for your money. Okay? The practice […]... read more →
And then once the pretentious has been dissolved and you are always in a state of honesty and the loving kindness will always be there. You don’t have to fight […]... read more →
Q: Hi Rinpoche, thanks for your time, just wondering, why it is more important for visualisation generosity than physical? A: Physical is a, it’s a supplement. Let’s put it like […]... read more →