Apr 06

The Great Way with Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche (Part 6)

You don’t need to say to your Guru or to your Lama and say “Ah, I need to have a devotion to the Buddha and Dharma and Sangha, but there is a cultural differences, so therefore, I can’t really handle it”, you know? You don’t question these things, because human beings we are all equal, you know?

His Holiness Dalaï Lama said, you know, that he is a one in a seven billion or eight billion, you know, as a human being. He doesn’t say “I’m so special, I’m unique”, you know? So therefore, you know, we are all human being, you know, it’s just our lifestyle is slightly different, you know, at least perceived to be different. But nobody wanting to suffer, everybody wanting to be happy, therefore we are all equal, you know? There is nothing beyond that, as an ordinary human being.

So therefore it is, it is very important for all of us to understand that, you know, the more you have the renunciation and the reflection of the truth, of the reality of the suffering, the more that becomes more profound and more deepened. And then the devotion to the Buddhadharma becomes more open-minded, you know, becomes more positive impact over the time.

And then your intention becomes more pure because every speech, every action, every thought that you have is pure intention, you know?

And then along with it, and then receiving or at least practicing about the Bodhicitta vow can be possible, you know, when you have that, you know?

Like an example, I always say to, you know, people and I say that to myself “Compassion is very beautiful, but it is not an emotion that you can hold on; it is a state of the realization”. In order to reach to that state of realization of genuine compassionate state of mind, you need to practice loving kindness, generosity, reciting in your mind again and again.

Whether you can do the practice of generosity based on the deity, based on Avalokiteshvara, Green Tara and all the sentient beings in the six realms, or you can do it, you know, without all the religious figures or the Buddhist figures. You can do it on your own, just like the, you do Tonglen practice, you know? So, starting ourself in that is very important.

And the second thing that you have to keep in mind is that, as you know I’m just simply sharing my experience, you know? The most important, as a Buddhist practitioner, never consider yourself as a Buddhist teacher, you know? The moment you consider yourself as “I am Buddhist teacher” then that’s, that’s not really a good start, you know?

So therefore, His Holiness, he considers himself as an ordinary practitioner and that is a great example. And my Guru Situ Rinpoche, he says the same thing. And I believe the same thing. And I believe they’ve been quite happy for, you know, their whole life. So I think that’s a good solution to try it, you know? [haha] You know, you never, you never see His Holiness Dalaï Lama, you know, very unhappy face, you, you know, you don’t see that. Because a mindful attitude, mindful, you know, speech and mindful thinking, you know?

So therefore, once you have that, the generosity practice in place and then the devotion, the state of mind develops over the time.


The Great Way with Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche (27′ 25″)
Zoom Meeting – November 24, 2021

To be continued …