It says here, to recount the story in particular when the glorious Shawaripa was practicing in the Cool Grove charnel ground.... read more →
25th Nov. – The Cleansing Practice of AH – Part II (Open to Public).
26th Nov. – Tsok Offering for the Six-Armed Mahakala (ONLY for those who have received the Six-Armed Mahakala Empowerment).... read more →
The Cleansing Practice of AH – In-depth Instruction (Open to PUBLIC).
Tsok Offering for the Six-Armed Protector (ONLY for those who have received the Six-Armed Mahakala Empowerment).... read more →
So, there’s a several teachings of “The Cleansing of the AH”. So “The Cleansing of the AH” the first one is done by Taranatha.... read more →
The most important figure in Shangpa lineage: Number One is Niguma and Sukhasiddhi and Shawaripa.... read more →
49-day memorial - August 1, 2023. Recording of Nyur zema, chanted by Mogchok Rinpoche at the end of the Ganden Lha Gya Ma.... read more →
My dear dharma brother Mogchok Rinpoche and one of the Shangpa Master passed away. Please make a prayer for swift return.... read more →
The learned and accomplished master Kyungpo Naljor had six great spiritual heart sons upon whom he bestowed the entire body of his profound instruction. Among them, one alone was the designated inheritor of the lineage, the last of the six, known as Mokchok-pa Rinchen Tsöndru.... read more →
Like the Shangpa masters, they said, you know, they said “the difference between the sentient beings and enlightened being, is either you are absent from the illusion, or under the […]... read more →
Q: Dear Rinpoche, tell me one word of Dharma that I can follow every day? A: It’s a word from one of the Shangpa Kagyu masters, and he said, and […]... read more →